In part 1, we have seen the setup process during iPhone Application Development. Now in this part will go further explore other aspects of iPhone application development.


Here we are not going to describe coding in depth but we will see iPhone application development at a glance. So now start Xcode and create a new project and give it a name and setup project info as you have to tell Xcode that what architecture, SDK, device type and certificates you are going to use. Now select the project name in Groups and File list-first file and click blue button of info in toolbar you will have plenty of information but you have to consider only red circle area so you can choose the certificate to compile with for each type of build. Once this process finished successfully you can download and install some steps like Development, Ad-Hoc and Distribution, development work for simulator and your devices, Ad-Hoc friend device and Distribution for App store.

Now configure all your build types: select the Debug for the configuration drop down and choose the development certificate for coding signing. Double check the item listed as Targeted Device Family in order to assure that you are creating an app for the particular type of device. Now change the configuration drop down to release and choose your Distribution certificate for coding signing. Now press the configuration tab at the top and in list select Release and at the bottom press Duplicate button. You can rename this configuration to Ad-Hoc. Now go back at build tab select Ad-Hoc from the configuration drop down and now choose your Ad-Hoc certificate for code signing, that's all, close project info window.

Read More:- iPhone Software App Development--Performance Focused Design Part 2
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